A warranty is like insurance for something new or a job done. In marine a warranty could be for new parts on a boat or engine like belts, manifolds, pistons etc. the warranty of parts such as these (if there was one) would be that if the part was installed properly and used properly but broke due to manufacture failer or design the company that mad the part would need to replace the part or refund the money. Most warranties have a time limit like months or years , in this case it would be hours at sea.
quotations and estimates
quotations and estimates are words to do with priceing. In this case these words are used when priceing jobs, parts or labour. a quote is a definate price given to the customer therefore if something isnt price uped or something brakes during the job the customer dosnet have to pay as they had been quoted an amount of money. an estimate isnt a exacted price it is a around price to ensure that the customer pays for all work and parts. an estimate gives the customer a price range wich is the best type of priceing because it dosent cost the componey for other unkown damages and dosent upset the customer when problems that they werent awhere of occur.
charge out rates
charge out rates are an important part of runing a business as charging to much will cause small amout of customers to come to your shop and charging to little will cause the business to be short of money. pricing of jobs in a new business can be judged of other businesses to ensure that jobs arnt over or under priced. charging out jobs can consist of parts, labour, cleaning, gst and sevrall others dependig on what kind of job is being done. parts and labour are a basic chagre out for jobs.
Quite well written, good general answers.