Monday, November 21, 2011

business practice part 2

courtesy services
courtesy services are small jobs or acts of the componey that help out or keep the customer happy.
these services can be a small wash and vacum of the  car or boat, a componey car that can be lent out to while a customers car is in the shop etc. the purpose of doing these is to keep the customers happy and make them want to keep coming back therefore improving sales and uping the money for the componey . these services can be free depending on the componey. also talking to a customer  nicely either on the phone or in person is a must as it can make them further there want to pay ur for work on there boaat or car.

cultural issues
the marine and automotive world is fulled with alot of diffrent races and accents so therefore understanding some people can be difficult. talking loudly or screaming wont work but will scare off customers and  clients. explaining clearly without getting angry is all you can do .

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