Wednesday, November 23, 2011

ignition systems

electrolyte battery

An electrolyte battery  is made up of  free ions that make the battery electricly conductive.  comon electrolytes are made up of  acid,s bases or salts. in this case an electrolyte battery is made of an acid wich is sulpuric acid and lead calcuim plates.b having these two create an electric current that can be charged up. they can hold power but not for ever.

three elements that make a petrol engine run effectivley
 there elements that are needed to make a petrol engin run is a spark, air and a flamable liquid. these three elements  are needed to producee power . the air and fuel (flamable liquid) mix togeather to make  a combustable substance. the spark (spark plug) ignites the mixture cause the piston to be forced back down. with out a spark the fuel could not ignite. without air the fuel will be to strong to light. with out fuel there will be no combustion at all.

kettering ignition system
a kettering ignition system has a battery , ignition, ignition coil,  distrubuter and spark plugs.
the system works when the ignition is turned and current is sent from the battery to the ignition coil. the current then travels to the distubuter. as the cam turns from ( due to the starter moter)  the lobes open and close points wich make a spark sending current through the distrubuter, through the  spark plug lead , to the spark plug igniting the fuel in the combustion chamber.   if the battery is flat or dosent have enogh voltage to get a good enogh spark the system will not work there fore the engin will not start.

dwell angle
dwell angle is the degress of  rotation of the cam during  wich the the points are closed.   it is important to have this seat correctly as if the dweel ang is off it can give a weak or strong of a spark cause server damage to the engin. the dwell angel is to messured off the thecam and distrubutor.

heat range
heat range in a spark plug is important as over heating of the spark plug could cause early spark,loseing power and causing damage to the engin. the heat range reffers to the heat transpher from the block to the head via the spark plug. a "cold plug" is alot quicker at discharging heat to the head. a "hot plug: is alot slower at transpher heat wich keeps the fireing tip hotter.

capacitor discharge ignition system
cdi works by storing energey in a external copacitor. wich then gose to the ignition coil when needed. the dischrge in cdi is alot higher than that in inductive sytems wich causes a corosponding rise in voltage in the second coil winding. the fast voltage rise in the second winding causes the spark that is used for combustion in the combustion chanmber. the inital spark avoids leaks in the spark plug leads.

1 comment:

  1. Good work, from listening in class to doing good research. Well done.
