Wednesday, November 23, 2011

starting and charging systems.

inertia starter.
the inertia starter works when the key or ignition is turned on sending current from the battery to the starter moter spinning the shaft  wich turns a pinion gear on a helex. this pinion gear meshes with the fly wheel. the shaft keeps rotating spining the gear and fly wheel to turn over the engin. A spring is inbetween the pinion gear and end bolt to push  the gear back after the engin has started and power had been cut off to the starter. unlike a alternater or prengage starter the inertia has no windings wire packs to store power. the inertia has a permante magnet wich the  power charges up through to help turn the main shaft. when the engin is started and the key or start button is moved back to the opperating  postion ,all power to the starter is cut off. when the power is cut off the pinion gear returns to its normal postion and is not spining.

pre engage  starter
a pre engage starter moter has the same pinion, helex, and clutch system as the inertia. although they do very similar things the pre engage starter has a solinoid mounted ontop wich replaces the return spring on a inertia. power from the battery gose to the solinoid (when the ignition is turned on) wich pushes a leaver moving the pinion gear into   its spinning postion. the power also gose to the wire packes wich curculate the inner shaft. brushes rub on  a brass are wich spin the shaft and keep feeding power to the starter. when the engin is started the plunger  in the soliniod pushes forward to pull the pinion gear back into its stoped postion. while the engin is running no power gose to the starter as it is not needed. the pre engage starter dose not have a permante magnet like the ineria is has wire packs .

a generator is something that uses a small amount of power to start but can then runn with out no battery but produce power. generators are usaly used were power is low or only a small burst of power is avallable. generaters are used to back up power cuts or loses of power. some can be pull start and run on petrol wich only need a minute if not any power.  a generator is uesed were a battery can not be used.

a alternator is a charging device used on alot of engines. the alternater has a rotating shaft in it that rotates around a copper cover. this creast voltage wich helps charge the battery or power source, and deliver spark to spark plugs. a broken or faulty alternater  means that the battery gets flater every time it is used. the use of copper inside the hosing of the alternator is because it is highly conductive and can create voltage and amps with eas.  the alternator recives power straight from the battery. this power or current rotates the internal shaft wich rubs against the copper creating current that gose to the coils or coil and back to the battery to charge it up. the alternater runs of the belts on the engin. this belt runs around the crank pully (depending on make or desgin of the engin.

ignition systems

electrolyte battery

An electrolyte battery  is made up of  free ions that make the battery electricly conductive.  comon electrolytes are made up of  acid,s bases or salts. in this case an electrolyte battery is made of an acid wich is sulpuric acid and lead calcuim plates.b having these two create an electric current that can be charged up. they can hold power but not for ever.

three elements that make a petrol engine run effectivley
 there elements that are needed to make a petrol engin run is a spark, air and a flamable liquid. these three elements  are needed to producee power . the air and fuel (flamable liquid) mix togeather to make  a combustable substance. the spark (spark plug) ignites the mixture cause the piston to be forced back down. with out a spark the fuel could not ignite. without air the fuel will be to strong to light. with out fuel there will be no combustion at all.

kettering ignition system
a kettering ignition system has a battery , ignition, ignition coil,  distrubuter and spark plugs.
the system works when the ignition is turned and current is sent from the battery to the ignition coil. the current then travels to the distubuter. as the cam turns from ( due to the starter moter)  the lobes open and close points wich make a spark sending current through the distrubuter, through the  spark plug lead , to the spark plug igniting the fuel in the combustion chamber.   if the battery is flat or dosent have enogh voltage to get a good enogh spark the system will not work there fore the engin will not start.

dwell angle
dwell angle is the degress of  rotation of the cam during  wich the the points are closed.   it is important to have this seat correctly as if the dweel ang is off it can give a weak or strong of a spark cause server damage to the engin. the dwell angel is to messured off the thecam and distrubutor.

heat range
heat range in a spark plug is important as over heating of the spark plug could cause early spark,loseing power and causing damage to the engin. the heat range reffers to the heat transpher from the block to the head via the spark plug. a "cold plug" is alot quicker at discharging heat to the head. a "hot plug: is alot slower at transpher heat wich keeps the fireing tip hotter.

capacitor discharge ignition system
cdi works by storing energey in a external copacitor. wich then gose to the ignition coil when needed. the dischrge in cdi is alot higher than that in inductive sytems wich causes a corosponding rise in voltage in the second coil winding. the fast voltage rise in the second winding causes the spark that is used for combustion in the combustion chanmber. the inital spark avoids leaks in the spark plug leads.

Monday, November 21, 2011

business practice part 2

courtesy services
courtesy services are small jobs or acts of the componey that help out or keep the customer happy.
these services can be a small wash and vacum of the  car or boat, a componey car that can be lent out to while a customers car is in the shop etc. the purpose of doing these is to keep the customers happy and make them want to keep coming back therefore improving sales and uping the money for the componey . these services can be free depending on the componey. also talking to a customer  nicely either on the phone or in person is a must as it can make them further there want to pay ur for work on there boaat or car.

cultural issues
the marine and automotive world is fulled with alot of diffrent races and accents so therefore understanding some people can be difficult. talking loudly or screaming wont work but will scare off customers and  clients. explaining clearly without getting angry is all you can do .

Thursday, November 17, 2011

marine business practice

warranties and guarantees

 A warranty is like insurance for something new or a job done. In marine a warranty could be for new parts on a boat or engine   like belts, manifolds, pistons etc. the warranty of parts such as these (if there was one) would be that if the part was installed properly and used properly but broke due to manufacture failer or design the company that mad the part would need to replace the part or refund the money. Most warranties have a time limit like months or years , in this case it would be hours at sea.
quotations and estimates
quotations  and estimates are words to do with priceing. In this case these words are used when priceing jobs, parts or labour.  a quote is a definate price  given to the customer therefore if something isnt price uped or  something brakes during the job the customer dosnet have to pay as they had been quoted an amount of money. an estimate isnt a exacted price it is a around price to ensure that the customer pays for all work and parts. an estimate gives the customer a price range wich is the best type of priceing because it dosent cost the componey for other unkown damages and dosent upset the customer when problems that they werent awhere of occur.

charge out rates
charge out rates are an important part  of runing a business as charging to much will cause small amout of customers to come to your shop and charging to little will cause the business to be short of money. pricing of jobs in a new business can be judged  of other businesses  to ensure that jobs arnt over or under priced. charging out jobs can consist of parts, labour, cleaning, gst and sevrall others dependig on what kind of job is being done. parts and labour are a basic chagre out for jobs.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

26 of october reflection

today we learnt about estimates and quotes and what they involve.
we learnt that giving a quote means a solid answer and that the customer only has to pay that even if other problems or cost occur. therefore giving an estamite is better as u can give a price range and a not a set deal. giving an estimate is the best kind of pricing on  a deal as  if a problem or extra damge occurs during the repair the customer can be notified and they can pay extra for that repair.

26 october , class reflection

quotations and estimates
avarage automotive hourly rate

making an estimate or quote:
identify what it needs
miscelanious( cleaning matterials , spare bolts , small amount)
oil, anti frezze

marine gearboxes

explain the diffrent types of gear selection types found in

outboard gearcases and sterndrive:
the gear selector system in a gear case is quite simple only having a forward and revers.  forward and revers are selected by  a dog clutch. this clutch has three big teath on either side and are used to grab hold of either the forward or revers gear.the dog clutch is located inbetween the two gears. the dog cluth has movement as it is needed to lock in one gear. in order to lock in the gear the shift rod needs to be minoverd ( pulled up or pusshed down). doing this shifts the dog cluth on its slide locking its teath into the teath on the inside of a drive gear.  this is also the same in a stren drive but in a bigger scale and slightly more heavy dutey equipment. forward and revers can either be selected from the controll pannel in the boat or on the out board depending on the size of the engin or design of the boat.

inboard marine gear selectors:
gears are selected either by hydrolic or cable systems wich can be controlled from the main controll pannel. the reason why an inboard has this system compared to an outboard is because the engin is under the floor and would cause problems having to go down to the engin and back to change the gear, also inboard gearboxes are alot more heavy duty and there for need more pull to change. instead of a dogcluth system like a outboard it has a cluth pack wich is sevral clutch plates and spacers.when a inboard gear box is shifted it locks a sertan shaft or gear wich makes outside gears or plantintry gears rotate a spacifictway selected by the oporater.

what type of gears are used in outboards and strenlegs? give an explanation of why manafactures choose this types of gear.
there are two types of gears in a gearcase and stern leg, those gears are a pinion gear and two drive gears, theres only a forward revers and neutral because having more than one forward means that more moving parts need to be made, housed and mounted so they work smothly. doing this  would make the gear case harder to service. also there would have to be a type of clutch installed and a bigger gear case would need to be made bigger wich would cause more drag in the water making fuel econimany alot worse .

duo prop
 a duo prop is basicly two props on the same drive shaft on one  gear case. the shaft that holds the two propellers is designed so one prop spins the opposite direction to the other propellor. the reason for the props spinning opposite directions is to remove  thrst and disturbistance in the water. the propellor shaft that the two props run off is made so one end is fixed an one  rotates the opposite direction on bearings.

jet unit vs surface drive unit:
a jet unit drive system is used by drawing water in and pushing it out at a high pressure through a smaller hole it came through. jet units re used quit alot on small race boats wich are not on wavey surfaces. a surface drive unit is designed so two out of three blades on the prop are under water and the other out above the water. having a surface drive can work to some advantages on diffrent types of boats. boath these types ofdrive systems dont realy work well on wavey or ruff surfaces as if the boat leaves the water just slightly all power and drive stops as there is no water to be driven off. there for these types of drives  are used on heavy boats or for boats on  flat water for full power. i would chosse a jet unit over  surface drive because how simple the system is and  how much power can be created.