Monday, June 20, 2011

weilding health and safety

 overalls,steel caps,gloves (needed for certain types of weilding eg mig), goggles or weilding mask ( diffrent for diffrent types of weilding).

overalls or a weilding aprin must be worn as they prevent hot slag from burning your skin or clothing. the overalls must be made of cotten and not a papper based substance as they can catch fire easy. fluro or reflective overalls are best as they can be seen better than blue or black overalls.

steel caps are worn to prevent hot metal or falling objects from crushing your feet. wereing steel caps while weilding is important as hot heavy metal is more dangerous than just heavy metal.

there are difrent types of face and eye protection for diffrent types of weilding.
gass weilding a tinted vision google is needed as the light from the weild is not as strong as on from a mig. the googles cover your eyes and have a spicific tinited vision to suit the gas weilding. for mig weilding you require a full weilding mask wich covers the front of your face and eyes. older masks have a tinted flap wich can be opened and closed so  you can see the weild or chipp away slag still being protected by a clear slip wich is mounted to the mask. new masks or auto dark masks have one open sheild mounted to the face mask that dosnt open or close. it is slightly tinted so u can see what your doing befor you weild but as so as the weild sparks the cover gose dark and is at a perfect darkness for weilding. when the weilding stops it gose light so you do noot need to remove the mask. auto dark masks are good if you weild alot.

before weilding there are sevral things that need to be checkeed before weilding. first check the are for famable materals eg petrol, diesel . remove matterals like this as sparks from the weilding can spark and explosing and cause fatil or seriouse harm. before weilding check the weilder and lines for cracks, splits or faults as  any imperfections or faults can cause a weak weild or can cause you ( the user harm). checking lines ,bottels and wiire feed. before weilding ennsure no one can see or will accidently look into the weild as this can damage there eyes. a weilding curtain should be set up to prevent the ar or light of the weild being veiwed by a passer by or member in the work shop.

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