pressure from a diesel pump can range from 4-10 psi. the purpose of this pressure is so that the diesel can be pushed through the injectors.a diesel pump works by running off one of the engin belts. the gear that runs off the belt is attached a a cam. the cam rotates and pumps the valves up up and down forcing fuel through the fuel lines creating a large amount of pressure.on a cold start there can be a primeror hand pump wich manualy pumps desil into the lines creating that pressure for the combustion.the pump needs to be in time as being slightly off or completely off can cause miss fireing, lack off fuel, to much fuel basicly causing the engin not to run or run like crap.
glow plugs are used to heat up the fuel to a point were it dosnt ignite but easy to ignite with compresion. the heat up when the ignition is turned on, there is usualy a dash lite showing a coil, when that light gose out the glow plugs have heated up the fuel and it is ready to be turned over.they work by drawing the power from the battery. there is one for every cylinder and the srew into the side of the head near the injectors.to test if a glow plug works you can use jumper cables linked to the battery and attach them to the glow plugs.if they dnt heat up and glow at the end then then there faulty and need to be replaced. useing a volt meter can also test if they are working by messuring the voltage going to them.
the lift pump on a diesel engin is used to pump the fuel from the gas tank to the fuel rail. it helps keep the fuel rail fill and supply the injectors with more diesel. having a lift pump wich was made for a lower powerd diesel on a higher powerd diesel will cause a lack of diesel to the fuel rail reducing power and starving the engin of diesel.
the purpose of the fuel shut off valve is to turn off and on with the ignition. when the ignition is turned on the fuel shut off valve opens and alows fuel to being drawn up the lines into the fuel rail and into the injectors. not having a shut off valve can cause the fuel to be constantly be pumped into the fuel rails causing a leak or miss use of fuel.
the knock sensor is a knob like part that is linked to the engin, it sensors the knocking in the engin and sends that messege to the ecu.it also helps monitor the engins performance.the knock sensor helps look after the engin parts from damaging effects of engin knock.a bad or faulty knock sensor carnt regulate the engin properly causeing major damages.
unlike petrol injectors the diesel injectors have no electronic help. the diesel injector works of pressure built up in the injector. the fuel that is drawn in from the fuel rail builds up around the outlet needle in the injector, when ther is a certian amount of pressure the fuel will spray out into a pre chamber or a bowl for compression. the needle valve closes as the pressure re builds up for the next injection.
if replacing the fuel filter or removing the fuel rails or injectors the diesel engin must be 'bleeded' . to do this you lossen the injectors and crank the engin over, diesel will spray out so safty equitment will be needed. slowly tighten the injectors evenly ensure the engin is turned off and is only being turned over to check for leaks or if timing is complete. ensure the injectors are done up evenly and there are no diesel or air leaks when finished.
a turbo works by sucking the exhaust fumes out of the boar an d doen the down pipe or exhaust.it pushes or blows the intake in quicker. having a turbo increases the horespower of a engin while not increasing to much weight. the turbo also needs a front mount or intercooler to keep the air cold in order to keep the engin at a decent running tempruture.having a turbo on a diesel engin helps with the performance of the engin.it helps more with compression cycle drawing exhust fumes out and helping with pumping more air into the boar. adding a turbo to a non turbo engin can cause issues and cut down its running life as the engin can have a lower or higher compression rate .having a low or high compressioncan make adding a turbo useless and expensive as pistons, cams,valves and all other engin core parts can breck quickly as they were not deigned to withold that kind of power from a turbo.
a supercharger is a air compressor used on forced induction of an internal combustion engin. the supercharer is attached to the crank shaft by a belt,chain or shaft. there are two types of supercharger, the former deliver that a fairly constant level of pressure increase of the engins rpm's, while the latter deliver increses engin pressure with increasing engin speed.
the difrence between a turbo and a supercharger is that the supercharger is run by a belt,chain or shaft as the turbo runns of the exhuats fumes. a supercharger is constantly orking as it is being run by the crank shaft were a turbo has its full power or kick when revs are high or rapidly increase.
having a after-cooler or a intercooler on a desil helps with the cooling down of the air and water. if the diesel is turbo the engin must have a intercooler to keep the engin in a decent or recomended running tempruture. because a diesel engin is a high compression engin itr is important to keep the water and air as cold as possible. keeping the engin cold also helps with performance and fuel usage.
the difrence between the two is pressure and the injection system. the common rail has higher fuel presure than a standerd diesel, also the common rail is like a a petrol injection as the injection system is all done elctronicly running off the ecu. the standerd diesel injection runs off pressure and there is no eletricals involved.
Awesome effort, you obtained some good information here, well done
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