inderect cooling on a boat is when the raw water or water from sea or lake. the inderect part has a fillter wich fillters unwanted things like shells and seaweed from going into the engin. inderect cooling has coolant in the engin wich helps prevent corrosion or over heating in the engin. direct cooling is were the sea water is pumped out of the sea into the engin and straight out. this direct cooling is not the best kind of cooling for a engin as the engin constantly has sea water in the water jackets and corrodes. in the cooling system of a boat there is a heat exchnger wich draws the hot water from the engin into the exchanger, raw sea water is circulating cooling the hot engin water, the end resault is the a cooler water us pumped out of the heat exchanger and back through the engin (inderect cooling) . direct is water pumped staright through the engin and staraight out for cooling.
the purpose of a thermostat is to alow coolant and water into the engin at a correct engin temp. without a thermostat the colant will just pump through constantly not alowing the engin to heat up to a correct running tempruture. thermostats can be tested by dunking them into heated water. boiling water to the temp of the manufacture specs, the spring should shut signing the flow off water.the thermosta is located on the side of the block linked to the radiator.
the pressure cap is ontop of the radiator and is used to alow coolant out of the reserve tank or pump coolant in . it is used under heat like the thermostat and opens and closese with the heat of the coolant.the pressure cap has its specs on the cap. u can test these just like a thermostat.
a core plugis from the manafacture of the block. because the block is cast iorn they need a place to poor the metal in. the core plug also helps if the water or coolant frezzuse in the engin as u can remove the plug to c into the water jackets. core plugs have many names eg welsh plugs but all do the same job.
the heat exchanger is used in the cooling system of a boat. it used by drawing sea water into the barrel of the heat exchanger. this cold sea water or lake water cools down the engin water and coolant as it travells around the engin. the heat exchanger pumps out the hot sea/lake water out the water exhaust. the heat exchanger works as cooling barrel and is needed on a inderect cooling engin. .
a raw water pump works by pumping sea water or lake water from under the boat up into the engin and or the cooling system. a raw water pump is needed in direct cooling as it needs to constanly pump raw water around the engin to keep it cool. in a inderect cooling system it is needed to draw raw water into the heat exchanger to cool down the coolant or water in the engin. not having a raw water pump would make it hard to cool the engin ,would make it hard to draw raw into the engin. the raw water pump may need replacing every once and while due to sea water corrosion.
the impeller is a rubber rotar that sits in side the water pump that creates a vacum due to its shape and form.
this impeller helps with pumping the water and coolant around the engin to keep it cool. these umpellers need to be replaced as they can crack and harden removing there purpose of the vacum as there not as flimzye. it is important to lubricate a new impeller when instaling so that it turns and runs smothly untill water and coolant is abble to lubricate it. not lubricating it can cause wear and tear on the new part and not fixxing the problem.when refiting the new impeller also check for chips or sharp edges that the impeller could rub on cause wear and tear.
the cooler is a small looking intercooler that is usd to cool the oil. having the oil being coold helps with the perfomance of the engin, helps with keeping the engin warm, and makes the oil in the engin last a bit longer.
a intercooler or after cooler is used on a turbo engin as it is needed to cool the coolant and water in the engin, the purpose of the intercooler is because of the bigger mass and size of it, the surface area that can be cooled by air . the intercooler has all these fetures that are alot better than a standerd radiator. running a standerd radiator on a turbo engin can cause the engin to over heat and runn sloppy.the intercooler/aftercooler works like a radiator but in a larger form. it pumps cold water into the engin, receves hot water from the engin, the water travels through the fins while being cooled by the air and back into the engin as it is coold down. after market stuff like nos rails can be installed to improve performance as it cools the liquid in the intercooller quicker.
coolant is a must in a engin as it used to protect the water jackets, raise the boiling temp of the water in the engin and lower the frezzing temp in the water of the engin. coolant comes any difrent coulors manly in green. never mix to diffrent types of coolant as it can cause chemical reactions in the engin causing damage. depending on the enviroment the engin is in depends on the amount of coolant mixed with water that gose into the engin. coolder enviroments need more coolant % to prevent the water frezzing in the water jackets. to test coolant you can use hydometers or coolant testers. these messure the % of coolant in the mixed with the water.
Good work on what is here.