if a car or boat is lacking power it could be alot of things but mostly fuel or air, starving the car of air or fuel can slow down the cycle as theres no ignition to to spark in the boar to creat power. first off ensure that air is getting into the carb and there is no blockage. check that there is fuel in the fas tank, that its flowing freely through the lift pump and fuel filter. then check that the jet is sprayinng fuel by turning the car over and looking down the barrel of the carb while reving the enging with the throtle. ensureing that fuel and air is getting into the boar is a good place to start. checking the spark plugs to see what kind of condition they are in can help because it can show if theres to much fuel, water , oily etc.
to adjust a float in a carb you need to remove the carb from the engin and remove the float bowl. turn upside down so the float is resting on the needle valve. messure form the top of the bowl to the bottem of the float. should be 16mm ( or to specs in a spec book for that spicific engin) if its not , slightly bend the float with plyers to the correct length. doing this adjust the amount of fuel aloud in the float bowl.
the pupose of a powere valve in a carb is to spray out more fuel when the throtle is wide open. spraying more fuel helps out the jet and makes the engin go faster, with out the power valve acceleration would be hard to do.
high fuel connsumption can be caused from a heavy foot or having the throtle wide open, but also can be caused by over sized jets.running rich or a stuck power valve. having to much fuel in the sytem can flood it and will be a pig to start and run. adjusting the the idle to lower the fuel mixture can be done with a flat head screw driver usauly turning left or right to turn down or raise the idle speed. idle revs should be any were between 500 and 1000 rpm. anything more will be wasting fuel and putting strain on the engin.
Good work, although it would be a lot easier for me if they were all in one entry.