Wednesday, May 25, 2011

part 2 carb project

when dismatiling a carb there are a few things to be carefull of. when dismatiling a a carb keep it up right or how it would normaly sit when it is atached to the moter. when unbolting the car becarefull of small ball barrings, sprinds slides as they have a spicific place to be. also being carfull while pulling apart a carb helps you rember were certain parts go and how they work. a good note while dismatiling acarb is to take photos and notes so its easy to put back together with no hassels or stress.

on a automatic choke system there is a bimetallic spring that helps with cold starting.when the engin is cold the sping holds the butterfly valve closed, as the engin heats up it slowly opens the valve producing a progressivly leaner fuel mixture. At the same time the high idle gradulay drops back to normal, when the engin is warm the butterfly valve will be fully open, ( standing up) producing the right mixture of air and fuel for the warm engin.

The flow of air from the air filter is drawn in by atmospheric pressure, as it enters the carb the center of the carb gets narow in a smoth,rounded way, this narowness is called the venturi. this creates more of a pull there for sucking more air into the carb, it also helps draw  fuel out of the jet witch mixes with the air.

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